A Milestone with a FreeStyle

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY FRIDAY! How is everybody doing? Anything special planned for the weekend? If I have enough energy, we are planning on a trip to the Pumpkin Patch (yes..we are kind of late, but better late than never..).  But on Sunday we have an exciting day planned!!! Its my handsome guys newborn photoshoot!!!! (Even though we have taken a million and one photos of him thus far lol…but they are not Ramiro Marquez Photography quality 😊). I will show my best attempt at his quality with my Milestone “photoshoot” last friday when we celebrated ONE WHOLE MONTH of our little revolutionary being with us!

As you can see that I stay on Pinterest lol.  I really wanted to put him inside the Jordans (but my Navy guys feet stink…hahah..just kidding babe..love you 😘😜) but any true Jordan fan knows that you really dont “mess with” Jordans in any way.  You gingerly put them on…walk carefully…and wear them maybe a maximum of 3 times lol. (Kids these days don’t  understand lol). If you like my Jordan idea, do me one favor and start with the 1s for ONE MONTH…the 2s for TWO MONTHS..so far and so on…you get the drift lol. Anyhow… I have clearly digressed lol back to my pseudo-photo shoot.  So, he slept the entire time so it took about 5 minutes lol. We also commemorated his first month with the inking of his hands and feet (yes! We are a smidge delayed but how much do the hands/feet really grow in 1 month lol). To all future parents….. This simple ink momento sounds easy but….. I am will just leave these here (lol)

Get my drift lol. But it was fun ☺️. So, after a month, let me kick a quick freestyle for my handsome little guy.

OMG! You are a whole four weeks

Just looking at you sometimes makes me weep

And yes! I watch you while you sleep

Ha! That makes me sound like a creep

But my love for you runs deep

All the way from your head to your ittle wittle feet

So, before I get all teary eyed lol I will just drop the mic there.  My skills are getting beast …ahahahahahah! But anyhow…I will let you get back to your Friday! And enjoy your weekend!!!

I will be nuzzling next to these little feet. 😊☺️😍😘😎 (and a Navy guy, a pit and a Firecracker… That sounds like the  start of an inappropriate joke lol).




  1. Monica Cobb · · Reply

    Love it

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!!!


  2. Angie Brown · · Reply

    Awesome post Maya!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!!! ☺️


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