Category Playtime

Paint + Primary Colors =Artistic Dots

Top 5 Playroom/Classroom Essentials

Well hello! I just wanted a quick post to share the bare essentials (I think) that are needed to make an awesome classroom in your little ones play area. Books Table/chairs ABC Mat CD Player Crayons Share your thoughts and ideas here or on my Facebook Page!

Shirt + Letters = An Awesome Uncle 

So… I am always looking for ways to incorporate learning into everything that we do…..and apparently my brother thinks like I do too lol (I guess since our Mom was a teacher its in our blood lol) Anyhow, I just wanted to share another fun way to keep your little one learning and entertained (and […]

Let’s Get Ready to Rock….steady 


Quick ABC Game

Keeping a toddler entertained can be a challenge at times. 


If you have been following me on any social media platform, you have seen my posts about my nap time volcano! Isn’t she a beauty? Well, she got even more beautiful after my husband and daughter painted her! They are rather the artistic duo together!!!  Well, I created this wonderful science master piece with a […]

Chalkboard + Spray Bottle= Fun (and Learning) 

Well, hello! Like most toddlers, my daughter is attracted to making a mess! And if water is included, she just loves it!!! So, that brings me to our latest learn through play activity.  We have been working on sight words and reviewing number recognition. So, here is a fun way she learned! Supplies Chalkboard Chalk […]

Top 5- Educational Kids Shows

The television is an interesting subject in our home. I have really worked hard not to let my little firecracker get wrapped in watching too much tv. So, when I do let her watch a little, I am very picky with the content and material. Majority of the time, the content is educational. Here is […]

Toddler + iPad = No Mess Fun (& Learning)

Well, hello! How is everybody doing? I hope everything is going well. I am really excited about my post today and I really want to share an activity that I created for my daughter while we were just messing around on my iPad  (which she thinks is that can cause some issues lol). This […]

Fresh Air + Science =Awesome Reaction

Hey! I am proud science geek 🤓 lol, so that makes my daughter a science geek, right? Well, in a quest to expose her to more science material, I came across this AWESOME video about chemical reactions online! On this video, there is a chemical reaction that is created called “Elephant Toothpaste”.  In the video, […]